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 here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass

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Phil Brooks
daft punk.
best technical wrestler
9 participants
best technical wrestler

best technical wrestler

Messages : 159
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2012

here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass Empty
MessageSujet: here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass   here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass I_icon_minitimeLun 15 Avr - 22:24

`Prénom/Pseudo -> Kev'
`Age/Ville -> 18 ans, Guebwiller.
`Lutteur/Lutteuse choisis -> Je me tâte.
`Expérience sur les feds -> Je sais même plus ce que je vaut.
`Comment avez-vous connus le forum ? -> Neo.
`Autre chose ? -> Ne sois pas rancunier Neo <3
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Messages : 1916
Date de naissance : 04/06/1993
Date d'inscription : 04/04/2012
Age : 31
Localisation : Miami, FL

here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass Empty
MessageSujet: Re: here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass   here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass I_icon_minitimeLun 15 Avr - 22:26

Tu n'as pas mit d'accent je ne t'en veux pas <3
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daft punk.

daft punk.

Messages : 132
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2013

here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass Empty
MessageSujet: Re: here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass   here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass I_icon_minitimeLun 15 Avr - 23:08

Kèv' ? Le Kèv que je connais, celui qui a fait plus de fédération que j'ai fait de speech en 1 mois hap
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Messages : 158
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2013

here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass Empty
MessageSujet: Re: here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass   here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass I_icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr - 6:46

Si je pouvais mettre un j'aime à ton commentaire, je le mettrais, bienvenue Kèv'. Smile
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Messages : 1916
Date de naissance : 04/06/1993
Date d'inscription : 04/04/2012
Age : 31
Localisation : Miami, FL

here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass Empty
MessageSujet: Re: here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass   here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass I_icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr - 9:07

daft punk. a écrit:
Kèv' ? Le Kèv que je connais, celui qui a fait plus de fédération que j'ai fait de speech en 1 mois here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass 3280399954

Non ce n'est pas lui l'ami.
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Phil Brooks
Global Champion
Global Champion
Phil Brooks

Messages : 237
Date de naissance : 12/12/1990
Date d'inscription : 11/04/2013
Age : 33
Localisation : Chicago, Illinois.

here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass Empty
MessageSujet: Re: here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass   here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass I_icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr - 9:34

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JTG - Yeezy

JTG - Yeezy

Messages : 86
Date de naissance : 01/11/1989
Date d'inscription : 12/04/2013
Age : 35
Localisation : In your Dreams ;)

here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass Empty
MessageSujet: Re: here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass   here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass I_icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr - 9:58

Bienvenue !
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daft punk.

daft punk.

Messages : 132
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2013

here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass Empty
MessageSujet: Re: here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass   here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass I_icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr - 10:11

Neo a écrit:
daft punk. a écrit:
Kèv' ? Le Kèv que je connais, celui qui a fait plus de fédération que j'ai fait de speech en 1 mois here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass 3280399954

Non ce n'est pas lui l'ami.

Ah trop beau pour être vrai Razz Bienvenue quand même Smile
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best technical wrestler

best technical wrestler

Messages : 159
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2012

here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass Empty
MessageSujet: Re: here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass   here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass I_icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr - 10:58

Merci à tous. Mon choix se portera sur Daniel Bryan.
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Messages : 1916
Date de naissance : 04/06/1993
Date d'inscription : 04/04/2012
Age : 31
Localisation : Miami, FL

here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass Empty
MessageSujet: Re: here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass   here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass I_icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr - 10:59

Excellent choix.
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Maria K. • Choup's

Maria K. • Choup's

Messages : 84
Date de naissance : 26/06/1993
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2013
Age : 31

here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass Empty
MessageSujet: Re: here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass   here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass I_icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr - 11:40

Copain Alsacien cheers
Bienvenue !
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best technical wrestler

best technical wrestler

Messages : 159
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2012

here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass Empty
MessageSujet: Re: here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass   here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass I_icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr - 12:58

Merci cheers
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Messages : 193
Date de naissance : 06/11/1994
Date d'inscription : 12/04/2013
Age : 29
Localisation : Québec, Canada.

here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass Empty
MessageSujet: Re: here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass   here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass I_icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr - 14:58

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Messages : 325
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2012

here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass Empty
MessageSujet: Re: here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass   here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass I_icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr - 15:01

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best technical wrestler

best technical wrestler

Messages : 159
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2012

here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass Empty
MessageSujet: Re: here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass   here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass I_icon_minitimeMar 16 Avr - 15:05

Merci à vous.
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Contenu sponsorisé

here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass Empty
MessageSujet: Re: here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass   here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass I_icon_minitime

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here's one thing that you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Neo's ass
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